Azure Web App Bot with QnAMaker
Azure Bot Service provides the core components for creating
bots, including the Bot Framework SDK for developing bots and the bot service
for connecting bots to channels.
We are can create the bot in 2 ways.
1. Create Web App Bot in Azure portal, download the source code and develop the bot locally.
This approach would need coding skills.
2. Use QnAMaker or Luis for creating the bot.
This approach doesn’t need coding skills.
I chose Azure data store selection as my use case for the bot. I see that a bot can address many use cases within the organization. E.g., we can maintain security standard details of all Azure databases in single knowledge base and the app users can find out about them by interacting with the bot.
For my first use case, I haven’t chosen Luis which provides
the ability to understand what your user means conversationally and
contextually, but went with QnAMaker which provides a conversational question
and answer layer over your data.
Steps involved in setting up a bot using QnAMaker are
1. Create a QnA service
2. Create a knowledge base (KB)
3. Edit, test and publish the knowledge base (KB)
4. Create Azure Web App Bot
5. Test the bot in Web Chat
6. Connect the bot to channels
Step 1: Create a QnA service
Open and login using a Microsoft account.
Go to “Create a knowledge base” tab and press “Create a QnA
service” button.
Step 2: Create a knowledge base (KB)
Once the QnAMaker service is created in Azure, connect that
to the KB, and name the KB.
Then, press “Create your KB” button.
Once the KB is created, go to “My knowledge bases” tab, and
there you can see the KB created.
Step 3: Edit, test and publish the knowledge base (KB)
a. Edit the KB
Add all the QnA pairs that’s needed
for the bot.
c. Once satisfied with the testing results, publish the KB.
Step 4: Create Azure Web App Bot
Press “Create bot” button (found in the above screenshot).
Step 5: Test the bot in Web Chat
Azure provides many channel options. Details are provided
about how to integrate with any chosen channel.
For this to work, these are needed.
a. Get bot embed codes
b. Create a new app service in Azure portal.
Once it’s created, go to App Service Editor.
c. Copy the embed code along with the secret key in the editor and test the bot.
Now we can run the bot from any browser.
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