Sep 24, 2016

InfoSphere Optim Data Growth for Archiving on z/OS

We have ~3 TB of operational data in ERP DB2 Prod environment. It’s complicated to apply Application upgrades with this volume of data.  
So, we decided to Archive and Delete the data from Prod Operational Database. We are going to use InfoSphere Optim Data Growth for Archiving on z/OS for Archive and Delete.

The Optim Archive works in the following sequence of steps.
1. Define the DASD needed to hold the Archive Datasets
2. Define Tables Relationships within the Optim Directory
    Note: Tables Relationships will hold the Tables to be archived that make a whole unit.
3. Define Access Definitions within the Optim Directory
    Note: Access Definitions will hold the criteria to be used for archiving the Tables
4. Define the Target for holding the Archive Data
5. Archive the DB2 Operational Data from the Tables into Archive Datasets
6. Verify the Archive Datasets
7. Transfer the Data from Archive Datasets to Target
8. Delete the archived data from DB2 Operational Database

Optim Archive provides multiple options for archiving the DB2 Operational data on z/OS. 
Below are the options provided based on the Target.

1. z/OS as the Target for the Archive Data    
2. Hadoop as the Target for the Archive Data     

3. Distributed Platform as the Target for the Archive Data

ODM stands for Open Data Manager. Its collection of Drives needed for Reporting Tools to connect to Archive Datasets on z/OS. 
Its included in the Optim Archive for z/OS installation kit.

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